1.75mᶟ Large Chip Bark Mulch Bulk Bag
€170.00Per 1.75mᶟ Bag
(45 Bags Per Pallet) Large Chip Bark Mulch 75L
€380.0045 bag pallet
1.75mᶟ Equestrian Wood Chip Bag
€180.00Per 1.75mᶟ Bag
Price Includes Delivery & VAT
Jumbo Bag (1.75m3) of long-lasting Equestrian Woodchip.
Woodside’s standard Equestrian wood chips are made from residues from Irish sawmills and are carefully screened to remove any fine or oversize material to provide you with a consistent well drained surface.
- Gallops
- Arenas
- Outdoor pads
- Walkways
- Walkers
- Suitable for outdoor and indoor use
- Low Maintenance
- Low impact- secure and soft yet resilient
- Easy to install
- Long lasting surface
- Excellent drainage Properties
- Gives a consistent footing for all uses
- 100% clean made for seasoned irish timber not recycled waste wood
- All year round riding as will not freeze
Size & Shipping