When you are in receipt of your order, it is important to check the packaging for any visual damage to the goods and then sign for its safe arrival. If you are unfortunate enough to receive damaged goods or there are missing items, please make sure it is noted on the courier’s paperwork. We also strongly suggest that you contact us directly as soon as possible to make sure we are aware of the problem.
If your order arrives as arranged but we are unable to deliver because you are not home (and have not agreed in advance to unattended delivery at your own risk being made), or there is insufficient space available for the vehicle to safely manoeuvre on the road AND operate a tail lift with goods weighing up to 1000KG, you will be liable for any additional costs incurred for the failed delivery and the goods either being returned or redelivery having to be arranged. The return delivery charge for failed deliveries incurs a €35.00 minimum charge.
Where goods are refused on delivery that are found to be undamaged on return, we reserve the right to pass on FULL carriage charges that we incur in returning the goods to us.